Thursday, April 20, 2006

A familiar loop

I rolled through my standard 30 mile loop in a skoosh under 2 hours, this time with a new computer on the hybrid. I thought my speed seemed to be reading high, but the distance agreed with what I generally get on Ruby.

Incedentally, the hybrid's name is Frank. I asked Dane to name it, so Frank it is. I think it fits. Frank the Trek Multitrack 700 Hybrid.

On to ranting: every time I ride (or, for that matter, drive) on Scenic Drive between Muskegon and Whitehall, I want to scream at whoever's responsible for that road. How can something that's labelled as part of the Lake Michigan Circle Tour, and is named Scenic Drive, be such in such disgraceful condition? I'm not riding Ruby on that anymore, despite it having the best hill (the Blockhouse hill) in West Michigan, and even on Frank, with tires nearly twice as wide as those on Ruby, it was questionable. And now there's a stretch where it's been "repaired" with chipseal patches! A chipseal road is a blight, but at least it's a consistent surface. The chipseal patches start out as humps of gravel, and eventually get mashed down into somewhat less harsh dents in the road surface. It's complete crap.

First team ride is Sunday - I don't know if I'll make it out again before that, as the weather looks a bit questionable for the next few days. My legs are tired anyway.


At 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I drove Dash down Scenic Drive when we first got him...probably won't do that again any time soon...



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